Since the early 90s the Government and CFM are allowing private sector participation in the management of specific Terminals of port business.
In 1998, CFM set the new mission that among various aspects highlights the involvement of the Private Sector – domestic and foreign – in the operation and development of railways and port system, via concessions.
In this way, CFM has investments in 22 companies, including 15 of the railway and port sector and the remaining subdivided by tourism, hiring of railway equipment, road infrastructure and building materials businesses.
In this sense, for fulfilment of the mission related to the involvement of private sector in concessions for the operation of railway and port business, criteria and principles of partnership, in particular, which involve the following:
- Internationally acknowledged experience, with know-how and total mastery of specific Technologies in the transport, logistics and distribution sector;
- Solid financial capacity that is able to create critical mass and continue to inject capital or mobilize them from external sources to continue the investment program;
- Willingness to guarantee the involvement of the national business;
- Ability to induce high returns on past and future investments, i.e., selected partners should add value to the value the CFM already holds or held.
Concessionaire for exploitation and management of the Northern Railway and Port of Nacala. |
Concessionaire for constructions, operation, management, rehabilitation, maintenance and commercial operation of Nacala-à-velha branch-line as well as port infrastructure of Nacala Coal Terminal and Moatize-Malawi railway. |
Concessionaire for construction, operation and exploration of specific oil and gas terminals at the ports of Pemba and Palma ports. |
CdM |
Its mission is the operation and management of general cargo and containers terminals and multipurpose at port of Beira. |
CQ |
Concessionaire for development, operation and management of the Port of Quelimane. |
Macuse |
Concessionaire for construction and operation of the Port of Macuse. | |
For construction and operation the Coal Terminal at port of Beira (Quay 13). |
Concessionaire for Development and Operation of Port of Maputo.
Concessionaire responsible for the management and development of the Maputo Cabotage Terminal. |
Concessionaire for the construction and operation of the Port of Techobanine |